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Forthcoming Services
Many available online 
order of service and joining links



​Sunday 12th January

Plough Sunday

8.30 am Holy Communion

11 am Plough Service

To join service click here. 

For the service sheet click here.

6 pm Evening Prayer



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer

To join the service click here.

For the service sheet click here 


Sunday 19th January

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Matins

1 Corinthians 12.1-11

John 2.1-11

To join service click here. 

For the service sheet click here.

6pm Holy Communion




5.30 pm  Evening Prayer



Sunday 26th January

Third Sunday of Epiphany

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Sung Eucharist

Nehemiah 8.1-3,5-6,8-10

1 Corinthians 12.12-31a

Luke 4.14-21


6pm Evensong.



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer



Sunday 2nd February

Presentation of Christ in the Temple

8.30 am Holy Communion

9.30 am Children's Service

11 am Morning Service

Psalm 24.1-7

Luke 2.22-40

6 pm Evening Prayer



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer


Sunday 9th February

4th Sunday before Lent

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Sung Eucharist

Isaiah 6.1-8

1 Corinthians 15.1-11

Luke 5.1-11

6pm Evensong.



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer


Sunday16th February

3rd Sunday before Lent

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Matins

1 Corinthians 15.12-20

Luke 6.17-26

6 pm Holy Communion



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer


Sunday 23rd February

2nd Sunday before Lent

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Sung Eucharist

Genesis 2.4b-9,15-end

Revelation 4

Luke 8.22-25

6pm Evensong.



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer



Sunday 2nd March

Sunday next before Lent

8.30 am Holy Communion

11 am Morning Service

Psalm 99

Luke 9.28-43a

6 pm Evening Prayer



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer


Wednesday 5th March

Ash Wednesday

1.15 pm Holy Communion

with Imposition of Ashes



Sunday 9th March

1st Sunday of Lent

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Sung Eucharist

Deuteronomy 26.1-11


Luke 4.1-13

6pm Evensong.



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer


Sunday 16th March

2nd Sunday of Lent

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Matins

Philippians 3.17-4.1

Luke 13.31-end

6 pm Holy Communion



5.30 pm  Evening Prayer


Sunday 23rd March

3rd Sunday of Lent

8.30am Holy Communion

11am Sung Eucharist

Isaiah 55.1-9

1 Corinthians 10.1-13

Luke 13.1-9

6pm Evensong




5.30 pm  Evening Prayer


Sunday 30th March

Mothering Sunday

8.30am Holy Communion

9.30 am

Mothering Sunday Service for all the Family

6pm Evensong

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